This building clearly needs another (complimentary) part:

Foundation? Basement? Who needs it, lets get more creative:

probably have seen this before: because of the highly convex
(parabolic) shape of the tower's glass facade, the focused sunlight
constantly kills every plant alive in a certain spot. This is how Bruce
Willis got his haircut -

Oh, I like that. Great idea -

Something somewhere did not work out for these builders... -

Check out these extraordinary set of stairs (and set of chains to support them!) -

More than plumbing. A work of art.

One is labeled "Red", the other "Blue". Can't go wrong here -

(images credit: Idioteka)

The signs says something like: "We provide everything for heating and plumbing" (we make the mess, too) -

There is something in my wa...
Great bike path - are these remains of the recent collision lying around? -

This one will launch you into the air:

...or into the basement:

That's not gonna last:

Some statues don't stay erect for very long (this time earthquake was responsible) -

Whatever it was before... (we really hope it was more than that):

Maybe there is some kind of a beaver creature that chews on sculptures? -

New satellite dishes (and air conditioner) crop is ready:

Somebody traded the rails for vodka? -

Same thing happened to the balconies? -

Best theft protection:

Some drunk ideas can be ingenious

...if potentially deadly:

Why fix the hole? Just wait a little:

Using the old bus as a brick storage:
and old tires to scare your supervisor:

I wonder what he was trying to do, but he's definitely stuck now:

Speaking of drunk builders, they probably use tools like these:

or maybe they drink really strong spirits:

Drunk crane operators are the worst:

Don't park your BMW anywhere close to these guys:

You know you gotta stop drinking, when you start seeing things:

This is a wonderful art piece from Propaganda. More info

Enter the bathroom (with caution):

Watch for holes in the floor! -

And the winner of the surreal construction is this: What the heck is this??

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Si, probablemente lo sea
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